Over it!

Kieboo • New baby on board 🤰🏽5.12.2019 Baby boy this time 💙 #HowLucky Kielani Miracle Lee 8.22.17 🎀 Rainbow baby 🌈 #Motherhood = My Life’s Purpose ❣️

So I'm 38+3 today, had my reg OB appt Friday and she did a cervical check. I was 5cm dilated and 90% effaced. She was completely surprised I wasn't in active labor! I went to the hospital later that afternoon just to be on the safe side. Only for them to send me back home because my water had not broken and I was still at 5cm. It is now Sunday morning, I have been experiencing contractions on and off. Nothing regular past 45 minutes tho. And still no water breaking! No intense pain either just dull cramps and back pain. I have been walking, stair climbing, trying other things I've read about. But I am starting to get nervous that she may come at home because I don't really know what I'm waiting for or when I should go back to hospital. This is a terrible feeling!