15 weeks and huge!

Kassy • Lainey 3, Tommy 1, Kallie

So I'm a little weirded out by how fast my belly has grown this pregnancy. I went from 200 lbs to last appointment being 182 and I've been losing the weight everywhere but my belly is huge. I've only seen one baby every time I have an ultrasound but with my first daughter, I wasn't this big until at least 28 weeks. I know with the second you show quicker but with losing a bunch of weight it's strange for me. I've had really strong morning sickness this whole pregnancy. I was wondering how many mommys have went through this same thing.

Update: I don't get an ultrasound until September 8th when I'm supposed to find out the gender. I have bought a fetal Doppler so that I can listen to the baby's heartbeat when I'm at home. Well all I've ever heard with it was a faint slower heartbeat (about 123-125 bpm every time). Last night I heard that same heart beat but moved it closer to my belly button and heard a really fast strong heartbeat (about 165 bpm). Any time I got to the doctor the heartbeat they get is 130-177 bpm. It's never the same. But I listened to it again today and heard the same thing. Should I call my doctor? I have a friend that thought she was only having one baby until she was 27 weeks when she finally saw the other one (identical twin girls in same sac) the doctor always heard a shadow heartbeat that they assumed was the mothers but I am hearing the same thing on my Doppler. The heartbeats are 2 different speeds so I'm so confused at this point.