Bleeding/spotting 2 days after sex? πŸ†˜


Okay so I'm 32+4 and my husband came home from a business trip on Friday, and we got a little too carried away in the bedroom Friday night. Everything seemed normal and I felt alright when I went to bed that night. I woke up Saturday morning (yesterday) and noticed some bright red bleeding when I wiped, but it felt like my vagina was a little torn and I assumed from rough sex and not enough lubrication. I immediately wiped again and only saw some light pink spotting, but I put a pad on just to be safe (and my dr said some bleeding/spotting is normal during pregnancy but not to worry if I'm not soaking through a pad in an hour). I continued to spot light pink for about an hour and it finally stopped. I told my husband no more sex until I feel healed. Fast forward to this morning, when I got up to pee, I noticed some red spotting. Put another pad on, and it stopped again within an hour. Now this afternoon (roughly 5 mins ago) I went to pee and saw more red spotting. Baby is moving like normal and I had a few BH contractions earlier today but everything feels okay. Does this sound like just vaginal tearing or should I go to L&D; just to be safe? I'm worried that I'm still spotting and that it's red and not pink..