Who's going to delivery my baby ? 🤔 ( Update )

So Ive been going to a high risk maternal fetal medicine and I usually see a APN ( nurse practitioner ) but since I'm almost 30 weeks I'm starting to get worried bc I haven't met the real doctor yet... I had preterm labor (32 weeks) in the past and ended up delivering my baby with the dr that was on call that day since it was an emergency c-section. Im terrified of delivering my baby with a doctor I haven't met yet ! Is this normal ? When do you actually start seeing the doctor ? also my APN left for 2 weeks and I won't be able to be seen until next month when I'm already 32 weeks... the anxiety is driving me crazy

Update ; I ended up going to my ultrasound appointment yesterday and found out you get whoever is working on that day, you don't get to pick your doctor and I felt so annoyed knowing that one more time I'm gonna delivery my baby with a stranger doctor 😩 also they said I will only see APN bc if something goes wrong all I have to do is go upstairs into labor and delivery.