36+3 and MISERABLE!! 😭😩


I've had a fairly easy pregnancy, no scares, no morning sickness. I've had random moments of feeling sore and tired and just done.

Today has reached a whole new level of just straight up miserable. Got checked on Thursday and had lots of really painful contractions that night, dr said I was 2cm and 70% thinned. Friday, not much happened but was a little sore. Saturday, fine until the evening and I started having some contractions but nothing consistent or too painful. Woke up today feeling like a semi hit me! I've had a headache off and on all day, my feet have been swollen, contractions off and on all day long, some have made me feel like I need to breathe through them. Took a nap because I was starting to feel nauseous and I woke up to having exploding diarrhea and still feeling nauseous.

Is it time to have this baby yet?! 😩😩 totally ranting because my hubby just doesn't quite get how I feel and I'm just so done being pregnant today