Ultrasound tomorrow SO NERVOUS/EXCITED 6 weeks 🤰🏽


went to the ER on Thursday night due to a tiny bit of brown spotting. Doctors assured me I was okay and it was normal to spot. It only last a few hours & was only a tiny bit when I wiped. They said my little peanut was okay.

I have an appointment at 9 am tomorrow morning with my gyno to do another ultrasound & check my HCG levels. At the hospital my levels were 6090 so hopefully it will be a lot higher. Officially 6 weeks tomorrow, half way through the 1st trimester.

Anyone hear a heart beat this early? FTM here, had a MC in December before I could even go for my first ultrasound, so I'm new to all of this and still learning :)

Thank you ladies for any input ! 🤗