Marriage is over 😪 my heart is so broken

My husband just told me he has no feelings for me anymore after 3 years of a happy marriage so I thought and ttc for 6 months , I'm so guttered and shocked , I had a feeling something was wrong after he said sex was boring a few months ago and his been very distant and bored , but never thought it was this bad . I asked him if we could try and go to marraige counselling he said what's that going to do .. he has given up on us , I feel so sick and have no family here I want to quit my job and move I'm so depressed but I can't change how he feels .. does anyone have any advice so I can move on I also have herpees I got from him (he had before we were together) and I'm 35 years old with endometriosis I don't think I will ever get over this and probably going to be alone for the rest of my miserable life .. I feel so lost like I want to die :( I don't even know what happened I love him and I have been 100% loyal and never treat him badly. My heart is so broken , I don't know how I'm goi g to get through this I never predicted this in my future I thought we would be happily married with a few kids