Vent MIL


3 weeks off my due date we find out my fiancé has testicular cancer. It has be so hard and so traumatising. I cried the whole way home from the doctors. A day after his surgery and the day we found out the cancer had spread he finally told his family. He's the youngest and also the only boy so he's very special to them and at times I find them very full on with the demands they put on him.

I knew they wouldn't leave us alone once they had found out but obviously that was something I had to deal with because it makes them feel better to be around him. I kept telling him he had to tell his family but he didn't want to. We were both hoping it would all be over once he had surgery and he was hoping to call them and tell them he HAD cancer but now he was totally fine

Only problem is his mum is lashing out at me. He's told her in the past that I'm his priority and she had to be nice to me but she makes excuses for her behaviour. She took it very hard that he told her I'm his priority and told her off for all the mean things she has done to me.

He used to be a massive mummy's boy until he started dating me at 19 and I think she holds it against me that he doesn't see her as often.

Surely that's normal for a 19-year-old to not spend as much time with his mum? Especially since she sold her house and gave her kids no where to live so he had to move into a share house at 18.

Every time we've achieved something as a couple she has changed the subject and not been excited- this includes buying our first home, getting engaged and getting pregnant. I think she always hoped we'd break up eventually

Yesterday she asked if she could come to his next doctors appointment and he told her I was going with him to which she stared me down and said she'd really like to go with him ( regardless of topic she never relents). He ended up saying he'd text her the day before to let her know.

She also asked him if the swelling had gone down and after he answered I told her it was still bruised to which she replied "well obviously. He's just had surgery"

I text her later that night to thank her for her help and for bringing over food and she ignored my text

Before his diagnosis I told him I wasn't having anything to do with her anymore and he was sad but accepted it. Now I've had to push that aside because his happiness and recovery is my priority but I don't know how to deal with her in my home every day, being rude and needy at the same time