Stopping sucking breast for comfort as baby two due in twelve weeks

Claire • Proud mummy to baby Girl ❤️

. I've got a twenty month old girl and am due my second Girl in 12 weeks I co slept with baby for first 19 months as only way could get some sleep and was good for breastfeeding. She's always been hard to get to sleep and woken quite often I've moved her to her own room the last month but I'm sleeping on the floor of that room at the moment mainly so she won't be scared when she wakes and so I can comfort her quickly rather than have her wake Fully. I'm sure my milk has gone but she's never has a dummy and uses me as one to get to sleep ! Which she is doing as we speak. Always planned to get her off breast by now but it's so hard as she is hard to get to sleep anyway and has only fallen asleep at night about ten times in her life without sucking me first !! My mum says I need to stop feeding now so there's a break between her and the baby sucking my boobs ! I can't stand her crying so do bedtime then just read stories n song songs on her room til she eventually gets shattered and gives in but like yours gets hyper and wants to do forward rolls. Anything but sleep .... any tips that don't include sleep training or crying it out. Tried dummy and warm bottle she knows the difference. Any ideas would help. Thanks Or in same position?