So aggravating, and selfish!


I am definitely a nympho, I love sex and am always in the mood for it! Normally me and my boyfriend would have sex every morning and night we do take breaks every now and then. But normally when we do have sex I initiate it. Which I don't mind but I do also like having him want it first like when we started dating. For the past 3 almost 4 weeks now I've decided I was not gonna initiate it AT ALL unless I was REALLY in the mood, for the first 2 weeks I only initiated it twice and he said he was too tired or hungry and made up some excuse to not have sex but we would always have to have sex when he wanted which was about every other morning. Fast forward now it being 3 almost 4 weeks total and this morning I agin tried to initiate it and it will go as far as me messing with him getting him hard and feeling good but if I want him to do anything or to even just get strait to sex he again this morning tells me no and that he's too hungry. I instantly got up and put clothes on started slamming doors and just started cleaning the house cause I was so mad then took my dog running cause after cleaning I was still mad! This really bothers me that he's being so selfish about it and only wants to have sex when he wants to!