could it be baby fever?

ok so my bf and I have been together for almost 10 months. he has 2 kids from obviously bm. when we first started dating we would talk so much about having our own. And he told me "in the future we'll have some". So of course I agreed. only a couple of times he's used a condom. but most of the time it's been the pull out method. So just last week he told me (I know tmi lol) he wants to cum inside me. I was like 😕🙃😉😃 ok then. me personally I want to experience being pregnant. but then I think " is he ready? since he's been having bm drama " he probably thinks I'm going to do the same and won't let him see our future baby, which I know 100 % I wouldn't live with not letting my kid see his dad. so I ask my self "is this a sign from him wanting to be a dad again"? please help me out ! thanks!