Help me figure out if I'm a lesbian!

So this is really new to me, the thought of lesbianism use to make me cringe before ( I have nothing against gays, lesbians etc it was just never for me) but the other night I had this weird dream that I was a lesbian with this girl that I used to know, I met her a few times through a mutual friend at parties and we kissed a few times like drunk girls do, but she is a lesbian and I know she had abit of a crush on me, so anyway since waking up from this dream I'm finding myself madly attracted to her and I actually want to try doing things with her...but thinking about other girls vaginas and stuff makes me cringe exactly how I use it's just her that I'm attracted to, does that make me bisexual or have I just got a silly crush that means nothing? Could this be the start of me realising I am gay? Please help! Any comments appreciated, Thankyou for reading 🙏🏼😘