Any ladies have these early pregnancy signs?


Hi ladies 😊

My DH (dear husband) and I have been TTC (trying to conceive) for 2 months. I took an ovulation test on 8-9-17 and it was a sold smiley (peak) we did BD (baby dance (sex)) on 8-4, 8-6, 8-9, and 8-12. I have an average 31 day cycle so AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) should be arriving today or tomorrow. Im notorious for reading into my symptoms way to much during the two week wait...

I have been having very sore boobs (especially on the outer sides), somewhat sensitive nipples, and also blue veins visible on nipples and faintly on breasts. This started about three days ago.

I've been waking up moderately bloated every morning for about 5 days. Also very hungry in the AM which is odd for me because I usually never have an appetite in the AM. I do get bloated before AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) but it usually doesn't last all day like this has been.

I've been having both left and right pelvic pain (pinching/twitches) This started about 7-9 days and was mild and would come and go. This just recently stopped within the last two to three days.

Over the weekend I had random cramps in belly. Having mild ones today too, hoping it's not AF 😞

Vivid dreams the past few nights and today have mild lower back pain.

Also feeling tired/blah,but not horribly.

We have a four year old son, but the only thing I remember is being very tired early on with that pregnancy.

I took a test yesterday and it was a BFN (big fat negative (pregnancy test)) 😞 Is it possible it could be a BFP (big fat positive (pregnancy test)) if I test maybe on Thursday or so? Any ladies out there have symptoms like these? Thank you 😊