Finally Getting Justice...


So... Here is a story... A little over 10 years ago (I'm currently 21 about to turn 22) I was molested by my uncle. Me, my two cousins, and him were all watching a movie. I think it was Barbershop or something like that. Any way, he is giving my cousins (who are both male and his sons) back rubs/massages. I ask for one too. He gave me a back rub, but he also started rubbing other things too. He went under my training bra to rub my chest. And he unbuttoned my shorts/pants to rub my clitorous area. He then (when my cousins were asleep) took me out to their swimming pool and we sat on the diving board. He put my head in his lap. I started getting tired so we went back inside, where he tried to make me dance with him in their kitchen. I kept telling him no, that I didn't want to dance, and that I was tired. He would not let go of me and only gave up when I finally slipped out of his grasp. I went to lay on the couch to try to get some sleep, but I kept hearing him whisper my name. My aunt was sleeping in their bedroom just down the hall from the living room. Now, I told my mom about this a couple of years after it happened. She told my aunt and she tried to get the truth out of my uncle but he never admitted it. Then a handleful more of years later my aunt and uncle divorce. I went to visit her yesterday when she brought it back up.She asked me, what happened, what do I remember, things like that. Well the reason why she asked me is because he drunkenly admitted to her what he did all those years ago. But he claimed he thought it was her. That as soon as he realized it wasn't her he stopped. Which is bullshit. He is now now longer invited to family functions that I am attending. If he wants to visit his sons he has to plan that with his sons. What he doesn't realize is I still remember. And he shouldn't get away with something like that. Even if he was drunk, he shouldn't get away with that. He is a major alcoholic, with some major issues. But I am going to try to get justice for what he did to me. The statute of limitations in the state of Georgia is 15 years. I hope that I can do this because I really can use the major confidence boost. I mean. I am confident now, but what if there is someone else who he's hurt or touched like that? Wouldn't they wish for that chance too? I have been hoping beyond hope that a chance like this would come for me and it finally has. My aunt is doing research as we speak and will walk me through it every step of the way. But I just don't know how to feel. Happy, that this is finally happening? Or pissed off, because it took this long to finally happen? UPDATE: Went to the sheriff's dept. the other day. Feeling optimistic.