
So Yeah guys i met my boyfriend on February 4th 2017 and everything was fine until a couple months ago…

He Got Drunk one night while we was away with our friends and he literally slapped me strangled me behind his friends pulled my hair and now yesterday morning he was going away for a few days and he literally covered my nose and mouth so i couldn't breathe. and he keeps saying that he's sorry and does it again but he always does it when he's drunk never sober. Guys i don't know whst to do anymore he's saying he's going to change himself to save our relationship and he still loves me but i am literally scared of what he's actually capable of.

I'm Currently on holiday with his family and i'm dying to say something because i can't hold it in but i made a promise to him before he left that everything will stay between us but it doesn't help when i suffer from Depression and Anxiety i just feel so low in myself and i feel like i can't escape anything 😭💔💔

UPDATE: So Yeah Guys thank you for all your Lovely comments and help i have gotten away from him Broke up with him last night 😞and i'm going to start doing therapy to try and get better again i'm just so heartbroken and never in my life eould i have thought i would be in such an abusive relationship 😭. still haven't told his family as i am so scared to tell them i just feel so low and disgusted