Complicated Boyfriend Advice: Please help!! (Trigger warning assault mention)

So I really need some advice. My boyfriend and I have been dating for eight months and before that he was one of my best guy friends. Before that I was in an abusive relationship for about three years before he sexually assaulted me. I stayed with him after that and we had a horrible break up after moving in together at his demands a few months later. My current boyfriend helped me move out since my best friend was out of town for a family emergency.

We started dating a few months after that and I was really broken. I hadn't told anyone about the rape and everyone just knew the previous boyfriend treated me like trash. After a few months I told him when I was tipsy and he could tell something was bothering me and pushed me to tell him what was wrong. He was the first person to know. However, I'm really good friends with abusive boyfriend's sister and she comes to visit me one weekend. Current boyfriend gets really upset and angry with me about how I'm still friends with her. We resolve it and have a big discussion on my mental health and agree that I need to get help but there's only a few weeks of school left before I go study abroad.

I distance myself from sister best friend and have an awesome time abroad. Meanwhile boyfriend starts internship and barely texts me. We get into an argument about this and I tell him it worries me when I don't hear from him because my anxiety makes me assume the worst. Communication gets way better and I get back from study abroad and we talk about how we are so excited to see each other back at college.

Things go by with me starting a job in my hometown. As weeks go by, he starts getting distant again and reveals he has major family things going on including family in the hospital and nephews getting arrested. I try to focus on being a support system and be there for him but he gets slowly and slowly more distant and I get more upset.

After days of not hearing from him I try to focus on my mental health more and make the decision to tell sister best friend about the assault-- something boyfriend encouraged me to do multiple times as he thought it would help me. I text him letting him know and he responds, "I don't really care". I get really upset and ask him what's going on and hours later he responds with "I'm tired. I've got to much stuff going on and I need to focus on that."

My family doesn't know about all of the assault stuff and have been telling me to ignore him until I get back to school. We haven't talked since he said that a week ago and I keep telling myself that if he cared he would reach out. He goes back to school today and I go back to school a few days from now and class starts two days after that. We have a class together the first day. I really want to reach out to him and see if he is doing okay but I don't want to bug him if he doesn't care or want to talk to me.

What should I do?? All my friends are telling me to dump him but they don't know the whole story. I honestly don't even know if he knows he upset me or even cares anymore....but I was his friend first. Help please.