Just sharing and hoping for advice. .

I met this guy on a dating site. Now weve been seeing each other for 5 months every weekend or sometimes twice a week. I like this guy so much or maybe its better to say im in love with him. At first it was just a casual thing, having sex then i leave before midnight ( that time it was fine with me, i thought it wont last long) until he asked me to stay over and little by little asked me to have breakfast with him before I leave. He just send me a message once a week to make plans or sometimes if he want to show me a food he likes ( he is really bad on texting that I always misunderstood what he means). After 2 months Im spending friday night til saturday evening with him. He never fail to pick me up every weekend and lately he is insisting to drive me home. We cook food together and sometimes go driving somewhere. I really enjoy being with him and I always miss him whenever I have to leave. The problem is were not in a relationship, I asked him if he likes me, he answered ' I like that youre here with me every weekend and I want to be with you'. There was a time I learned he had sex with someone during his vacation, since we dont have a commitment, I told him to tell me and be honest if he is seeing other girls, then i will just stop seeing him. He said no and he told me that he dont want me to stop seeing him. Being with him feels really great but I dont know if he wants to commit or make it official. Im scared to ask him. This past days he started adding me to social medias ( we only text via phone number now were connected in whatsapp and facebook). I feel bad that I let him add me on fb messenger cause then I can see him online but not sending message to me (before i prefer we just text and not be connected in any social medias so I wont see anything that will make me feel bad but lately he started asking me about my accounts). Im confused that my mind is fighting whether i just continue and see where it goes cause he might just want to take things slowly or I should tell him how I feel and move on if he cant commit. I hope im that strong to just ask him and move on in case im just a booty call but i feel so sad whenever I think how it will be without him, I always wait every friday morning for his message. Im a bit dramatic😅 but i will really appreciate your opinion.