💀Long Latent phase of labor.💀


‼️‼️Please help. ‼️‼️

Has anyone went through this or currently going through this?

Monday at 40+1 I was only a finger tip dilated and 50% effaced and they wanted to see me again Wednesday morning. I started cramping Tuesday. Wednesday morning I woke up to a gush of mucus and it was pink when I wiped. I was also cramping. At my appt wednesday morning 10am the doctor checks me and I'm 70% effaced and 2-3cm dilated. She sweeps my membranes to "move things along" and thinks I'll be going into labor soon. She still scheduled an induction for me on Monday (41+1) in case I don't go into labor but she still sounds pretty confident I will.

So I'm very hopeful after leave my appt. I'm spotting a lot more and start timing contractions at 1pm. I lose a huge dark brown mucus plug at 6pm. The contractions start off irregular until about 9pm they get more regular, more painful, and 8 min apart. I go to the bathroom before bed and I lose another huge chunk of mucus. The contractions seem to stop and I go to sleep at 11pm.

Overnight I wake up countless times with contractions, some stronger than others. At about 3:30am I can no longer sleep from waking up so many times and start to time them. They are 9-10 minutes apart. I keep timing them until 5:30am until I fall asleep on my own.

While I was awake, on 2 separate occasions I feel a gush coming out my underwear and both times it was a whole bunch of mucus. I was confused. By this point it's like my 5-6 time with crazy amount of mucus coming out of me in 24 hours. The first 2 from Wednesday morning I suspected was my waters but they tested me at my appt and they were fine.

I just woke up again before 7 and started timing contractions again at 7 min apart. They aren't progressing in strength yet.

Today I'm 40+4 and feel like I'm in labor limbo.

Has anyone been through this or going through it?!

I NEED to meet my son before I lose my mind.