Husband Having Gender Disappointment? (LONG)

So from the very beginning from us TTC my husband wanted a boy more than anything. What man doesn't want a son to pass down his family name, to teach him sports and about cars? We have a daughter, that isn't biologically his but was adopted by him. He has been in her life since day one you wouldn't know she was adopted at all, their bond is inseparable.

My husbands mom, since we started TTC constantly told him that he would have a girl because he wasn't man enough to have a boy. She said he's too sensitive to produce a boy, and maybe down the road he could have one. Which has always made my husband upset and have a need to prove to his mom that he could and would have a son. Mind you, my husband makes good money where I don't work, provides for his family, does literally anything for us but because his brother has a hard labor job his mom thinks that his brother will be the one to have boys. This is all beyond ridiculous, I know but yet another reason my husband wanted a boy.

To be honest, I wanted a boy as well but I am not disappointed in any way that we are having a girl. I am still beyond happy to even be pregnant right now after having such a hard time TTC. The day we went in for our ultrasound to find out what the babies gender was my husband was so excited, he was so talkative and taking everything in. The baby was being stubborn so we got to look at her big head and little hands and toes before they told us it was a girl. At that moment my husband just got quite and watched the rest of the ultrasound. At the end he said "I guess as long as she's healthy".

Now, since we have been home he seems so frustrated all the time and distant from me as well. I've tried talking to him but he says that's not what's wrong, even though he's never really acted this way. He's already wanting to try sooner than our original three year plan for another baby after we have our daughter, but god forbid that's a girl as well. I love my husband and I know once he sees her little face or maybe just in time considering we have only known it's a girl for a couple days he will get over it but right now is hard. There is no doubt in my mind the love he has for our baby but I wish he was as excited as before he knew it was a girl.

Sorry so long, I just needed to vent.