Anyone else nervous to test?

Lockwood 💆🏽 • Mom of 5 amazing kiddos

So AF was due on Monday and as of today, no signs of her. I have had some mild cramping but I've been dealing with that for at least the last week and a half so idk. Haven't noticed any symptoms that would suggest I'm pregnant but at the same time I didn't show any pregnancy symptoms until I was about 2 weeks late with my youngest. So Hubby keeps asking if AF has shown up yet and of course it hasn't. He keeps asking me when will I test and I keep telling him that I'm waiting. I've come to understand that I am terrified. Yes we've been trying for the last few months and yes I want another child but I'm terrified it will be negative again as well as that it will actually be positive this time. I'm now 33 and our youngest is 7 and the oldest 14. Did I really think this through!? Lol. I'm all over the place. Lol. Anyone else feel similar or am I the only one 😩