Possible miscarriage, Fetal pole no heartbeat


Today I had my first OB/GYN appt at 9 weeks. The doctor did a ultrasound with his machine and saw a sac and yolk but no fetus/heartbeat. So he then said I had three options- let the miscarriage happen naturally, Take a pill to start the miscarriage or a d&c.; I wanted to do the pill to get it over with. I didnt like the idea of having the symptoms of being pregnant but nothing growing. So the doctor needed to confirm his findings with a radiologist. Radiologist says the doctor made it seem like it a blighted ovum, however that wasnt the case, that she says she sees a fetal pole and a possible flicker. So she recommended for me to be monitored. My hcg levels came back of 105,000. Doctor was surprised of my count and said for me to have peace of mind that he suggests I wait. He proceeded to say that my chance of miscarriage was 99% and in a week my levels should go down and I probably pass within a week. I have a follow up appt in two weeks. Has anyone been through this? Ive been crying all day as this is my 2nd miscarriage this year.