Hi, I never really share anything


Hi, I never really share anything. But I have to share my story, because if you were like me and thought miracles aren't true I want to tell you different. I have been trying to conceive for 4 years with no luck. It wasn't until this year I seen my doctor and had some testing. Turned out I had a couple endometrial polyps and needed to have them removed. And was diagnosed with PCOS. The removal was on March 30th, I got my period April 6th- 12th. I took my first cycle of Leprozole 2.5mg on days 3-7 of my period May 26th- Jun 1st. Did the baby dance Jun 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, and on the 26th. Jun 29th I had lightly pink on the toilet paper after I used the restroom. Brown discharge on Jun 30th. On Aug 23rd I got my first Big Fat Positive Pregnancy Test! I'm praying that everything is ok as I am still in shock! Want to let everybody know anything is possible! I have my first doctors appointment September 12th, two days after my 29th birthday. 🎈