What a day, it started out dilated 3cm at 7am as I began induction

What a day, it started out dilated 3cm at 7am as I began induction. Made no progress dilating, but the contractions were harsh enough that by around 130, I opted for the epidural. The epidural was great, come 7pm, I was dilated roughly 5cm and 85% effaced. Finally making head way. Not long after that I noticed I was feeling contractions on just my right side. The epidural wore off on that side. Anesthesia came back and gave me a lower dose of the medicine to try and get it at least bearable. Well, that medicine didn't do much for relief, so it is now nearing 9pm. This pain was intense and I could feel full contractions on both sides, the epidural had completely worn off. By the time I was able to get a hold of anyone, since it was busy, I was fully effaced and dilated to 10cm. Time to push! I'm pushing as hard as I can, but it feels like I'm getting nowhere. All of a sudden, the doctor tells me she sees his head coming. The ring of fire was all too real then😂 I managed to push my way thru there and took a two second breather then continued and by 955pm, our little guy is here❤ he dropped so quickly and was ready to come out so fast that he is bruised pretty bad, but he is finally restoring color and is perfect😍 welcome to the world, little guy!