April has arrived!

Vanessa • Newlywed with baby girl named April 💕

Wednesday 8/23

8 pounds 3 ounces 20 inches

I was 3cm dilated for 3 weeks with contractions 4-5 minutes apart for a few days. At 39w4d my doctor did a membrane sweep, and advised me that she felt my water was on the verge of breaking; if it didn't break overnight, I was to come into L&D; the next day.

Wednesday morning with my contractions were 3 minutes apart, we headed to the hospital arriving at 10:30am. I was admitted, dilated at 4cm. At 1pm, doc popped my water. Contractions got real after that! I decided against an epidural and went natural. The WORST pain I've ever felt! But I definitely wanted to experience that feeling!

At 6:30pm I was officially 10cm and got the ok to push; even got to see her crowning via a mirror ❤️

Then things got real: they couldn't track her heartbeat. Apparently April stopped breathing for 3 minutes while I was pushing. At 7:10pm with my last push, out came April with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. They cut the cord and allowed her to lay on my chest while they wiped her off. 10 seconds later, she was whisked away, eventually heading to the nursery for 3 hours to be evaluated for her breathing before my husband could hold her.

6 hours of the toughest thing I've ever done. I'm beyond proud of myself, and blessed to have this little lady in our family!