First chemical - how do I deal?!

Kay • Baby Girl due June 2, 2018 💜🐾🚒

I got my first BFP Wednesday. I retested Thursday with fr and even a clear blue digital - all positive. I immediately told my hubs once the digital said "pregnant".

I wake up Saturday - something is telling me to test - flat out negative. Thought to myself "this isn't possible I just had several positives" so I take another one - negative. And then I start bleeding. My heart sinks. My hubs comes home from work with flowers and my favorite breakfast - he's literally over the moon we were pregnant. I had to break the news to him. As soon as he walked through the door I cried and cried and cried. I was tearful all day - today, I'm feeling better - knowing my period came and we can start trying again in a few days.

I did make an apt w my ObGyn after the positives. So I have to call them tomorrow and see if I can still meet w my dr to talk about what happened.

My question is - how do you ladies deal with the loss? How do you stop yourself from thinking that you're incapable of having a successful pregnancy?

I feel I let my husband down - even though he's been nothing short of amazing these past 2 days.