BFN on cycle day 25.... πŸ˜•πŸ˜• It should be positive if I'm preggo right ?

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Depends how long your cycles are.


Sophie β€’ Aug 27, 2017
Wait a couple more days. You're only 10 dpo. some women don't see a BFP until 12 dpo minimum


Erin β€’ Aug 27, 2017
Usually 29 days


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Depends on when you ovulated.


Roxanne β€’ Aug 27, 2017
Also ready with first morning urine as the hormones are strongest then.


Roxanne β€’ Aug 27, 2017
Ok, so you're only 10dpo. The average for a positive test is between 10-16dpo. It's early days. Implantation can take up to 10 days. Try testing every 2 days. As hcg doubles every 48hrs. Then make sure you use red/pink dye tests as they're easier to read faint lines on. Good luck xx


Erin β€’ Aug 27, 2017
Around day 15