I want to be with someone & don't know how to take the next step.

Roxanna • I'm 24 years old. I'm coming out of an abusive relationship with a narcissist. We were married almost 3 months. But our entire relationship was almost 5 years. I'm learning to love myself again. <3

So this may be long and I apologize. I am recently divorced (which is another story in itself). The entire relationship was about 5 years but our marriage lasted only 3 months due to his infidelity and abuse towards me. A mutual friend (my ex's best friend), we will call him Mark, of ours helped me leave the home and get out. Mark became my best friend and we talked all the time. He really helped me get over a lot of things. After a couple weeks we started flirting with each other and I expressed my feelings for him and he felt the same towards me. My only problem was I was still technically married and couldn't pursue anything without getting in trouble with trying to get the divorce final. We still talked and flirted and talked about our future together. I was having a rough week and I went over to his apartment and we ended up having sex, this happened twice. After that we still talked all the time. We were still so very close. We had talks how we wanted to take things slow and really do things right instead of jumping into things too quick. We were both afraid that my feelings weren't real with just coming out of a long term relationship that ended so badly. Before we even had sex we had such deep talks about being together. He told me how he had prayed for a woman like me and how he became cynical and thought a woman like me didn't exist. We fell for each so quickly and so hard. About a month later we had talked about how he wanted to give me my time to myself and let me figure out things. I had always identified with my ex so Mark wanted to make sure I was where I wanted to be, doing what I wanted to do. So we sort of parted ways in hopes that we would come back together. It's been since January this year since we've been intimate. The last time I brought up us being together or anything of the sorts was May. I told him that I missed him and his company. I miss talking to him and being in his arms. Our talk got cut short so I didn't get to know what he was going to say. I'm afraid of being pushy. I'm afraid he doesn't like me anymore and I'm still crazy about him. I see him about twice a week for church if I'm not working. He is such a wonderful man. I was so afraid I wouldn't want to date or talk to anybody after what I was out through with my Ex. But I really miss him. My friends say I should ask him out. But I'm a total chicken. I don't want to be pushy but gosh I miss him so much. I just don't know what to do. Ask him out? Talk about how I miss him still? How do I ask him out?