Am I doing the right thing or am I crazy?


I want to have a happy and stress free life. That being said, this is my story:

My ex/bff/father of my beautiful baby boy has a new girlfriend. Yes we are still friends, we broke up because we didn't work together, we love each other but not in a relationship type of love, as my friend and as the daddy of my LO i trust him fully but that same trust wasn't there while we dated. I want to be able to trust this new GF and get to a point that i feel that my LO will be safe and loved while with his daddy. I want us to all get along and as our LO grows for all of us to support him as a team. I told to my ex and told him I wanted to get to know his new GF, to become friends if possible, to trust one another and be able to get along.

I guess my question comes because I told my ex to give her my number to get in contact with me whenever she wants to see the baby as she and I live in the same state while my ex lives in another (due to work related reasons)? Am I crazy for doing so? This is not a utopia kind of scenario because I have family that has been able to coexist after divorce. And they all get along as friends to support the child. Did I do it right? Should I have waited and see what happens in the future as my child spends time with a completely stranger for me???

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