Stressed!!!!!! Over a stolen car seat I got back


The moose is a private club. They are a group of people that help anyone in need.

My husband and I scrimped and scrapped to make sure we bought our fourth child that graco forever car seat. We got lucky and managed to get it on sale for $265 back in March. We have four children and I was happy to finally be able to afford to buy what I wanted for our last child. He was born in November and we had a cheap infant car seat I hated so this one was a big deal.

Well Saturday night my husband is at a child's benefit at a private club. He took the kids they had bands, bounce houses, games, a huge smoker for food. My husband figured $10 a person it included you food went to a good cause he took the kids. I was at work as usual and he sends a message to me. Hey you mind if I stay and watch the fight. I say no I'll come and get the kids. Well the baby pooped and so I went and changed him before we left. My husband goes and moves the car seat to my car because he is blocked in. Didn't realize i locked my doors. It's 11:00pm now he leaves in between my car and a friends it's dark. Comes grabs my keys sees I'm ready grabs the diaper bag and we walk to my car. The car seat is gone. I walk in crying saying my babies car seat has been stolen and I have no other seat for him and no way to get him home.

The guy that stole it is right in front of me this whole time. Pays his bill and leaves. I have to stay there with all three on my boys till I find someone to loan me a seat. Two hours go by I finally get home. I don't sleep at all.

Well we go back today they check the cameras. The people are caught on camera. They had called right before they walked in for food so they had there number. We called them and the seat was returned. But the moose said if it was returned and they apologized charges wouldn't be pressed. I pressed them. I realize my history left the seat by my car yes. But when we called his girlfriend to ask about the seat she admitted he stole it. He knew that is was my sons. And that he had no intentions on returning it but he was gone so if they came and got it while he was with his dad that was fine. We could have it back.

He only came to apologize after the cops showed up at his house because I had his address. I'm so stressed about the situation my gut told me to press charges but the moose is making me feel bad about it.