Hurricane Harvey

China • Blah Blah Blah

I thought I'd share some pics. Stay safe Houston.


Me && my SO went riding around my city checking to see if anybody needed help or was stranded. We found a guy standing at a convenience store by hisself. Come to find out he drove his truck into the water underneath the over pass and he's been standing outside for hours with no phone or nobody to help him. I called the cops and they said tell him to call a tow truck service because he shouldn't have drove down there. They said the road was blocked off && it had a cop sitting there on duty. It was a cop car in sight && the road was not blocked off !! The 4 picture is the picture of the under pass that the guy drove his truck into clearly there's no road blocks or cop car me && my SO put some cones out. The guy said he drove underneath there the first time there was no water && on his way back he didn't see the water and drove straight in. Well we help him && got him home safely.