too fat for ivf?

Jennifer • 42, TTC #1 +3 years, AMH 0.15 & 0.325, DOR. 4 failed IUI'S, male factor, no response to ivf meds. 9/4 DEIVF=bfp = MC 9/28, DEIVF 1/4/19 BFP born 9/25/19

anyone been told they are too big for <a href="">ivf</a>? I've been on a fertility roller coaster. they said initially my weight won't keeping me from getting pregnant....I have diminished ovarian reserve...but now my reserve test is better and they're saying I could possibly respond to the <a href="">ivf</a> meds claiming they can't put me under anesthesia because I'm over a 40 BMI which apparently the cut off. they say...oh just lose 150lbs. I'm turning 40 next week. I don't have a year to do that. I've already paid $20,000 probably grand total with nothing more than tests and $4 prescription meds for Clomid or letrozole. I asked could they do the egg retrieval without anesthesia and they said yes...but it can be uncomfortable and they said I might accidentally move and that could be detrimental...and they said if there are a lot of eggs that's longer they are causing pain....but I have a very high pain tolerance. seems like they have an excuse for everything. I said told me I might only make one or two eggs...he said...oh well yeah you probably won't make many but it's really close to your arteries and your weight will make it hard to reach. a year ago when they started taking my money they never said anything about losing weight or problems with <a href="">ivf</a> due to size. anybody else have this happen? I'm staying to feel taken advantage of or judged by my size. every time I overcome an obstacle they put so more obstacles and I've overcome them except for the weight. the emotion and the meds have led me to gain weight. am I just being paranoid? I'd appreciate knowing your experiences with TTC plus size and <a href="">ivf</a>...etc thanks