Husband told everybody


When I told my husband I was pregnant he was excited! This is his first. I told him not to go and tell anyone we will announce it when I'm 13 weeks I'm 6 weeks and 6 days today. Well with in 5 min he already told 3 people. we were only going to tell my parents, his dad and his wife, and his sister. With in two days he told his whole family! I was so upset! He doesn't think it's that big of deal to wait and thinks I'm making a bigger deal out of him telling his whole family. Well today my mother and I and my ex took our son to his first day of pre-K . when my ex left he said he over heard people talking at a restaurant saying I'm expecting. He described what they looked like and well it was my husbands aunt... I'm pissed I don't think it's ok for someone to go around telling our news when we haven't even announced yet! For the fact that my ex husband of all people had to tell me what he heard, and him asking questions and saying isn't it a little soon to be having a baby already?? I just told him I don't know what they were talking about. I don't want the pity party if heaven for bid something bad happened. My husband still doesn't think that it's that big a deal his aunt is going around announcing our pregnancy to people. I don't know what to do I'm at a lost at how to explain to my husband stop telling people. This has now stressed me out and I have been upset for hours.does anyone have any advice??

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Stop stressing it's not good in pregnancy. It's done now. It sucks yes but once the news gets out you can never stop it


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This is when you call each person he has told individually and tell them it is NOT their news to share and you've had people asking why you haven't told them because they overheard conversation in public. Tell them when you are ready you will make an announcement but as of now they need to shut it. Tell your husband the reason you wanted to wait. Tell him the possibilities of what can happen. The truth is scary and it isn't fair you're the only one worrying. Honestly I'd almost go as far as to say since they can't shit their traps they'll not be informed about anything until you announce to the rest of the world, even if that includes your husband and his loose lips.


Al • Aug 28, 2017


Tiffany • Aug 28, 2017
I had already told him he needs to call because he is the one that told them


Al • Aug 28, 2017
You don't call. Make him call everyone and tell them to not repeat it


Posted at
I understand why you're frustrated. My husband and I don't even tell our parents until after we have a confirmed heartbeat because we don't want to cause all this stir and then it's not even a viable pregnancy. Especially since you have a child and ex situation, he should have waited if that was your wish. There's not much you can do about it now, but I can definitely understand your feelings.


Posted at
So we got in to a fight when he got home from work because he didn't explain to his aunt it wasn't her place. He started saying I told her I "thought" I told her not to say anything that it was his fault. But I think she needs to take ownership of what drama she has caused. He told me he didn't want to fight or argue with anyone so he told her please don't talk about it with anyone else. But he didn't explain how it hurt me. But yet it better to get in a fight with me?? No he is picking the wrong battles here. My four year old son doesn't even know yet and he is probably going to find out from his dad ( my ex husband) and that's not fair.