Anatomy Scan


I've learned first hand when they warn you against lying on your back during pregnancy it's a real concern.

We had our anatomy scan today and after about 45 mins I started feeling nauseous and dizzy and sweaty. I must have started to look like I wasn't okay because the tech asked if I was ok. I told the tech I needed to sit up for a minute. The student tech went to get me water and I asked my husband for the garbage pail. I thought I was going to puke. Next thing I know I'm dreaming and come back to being rolled on my side by the techs. My husbands face looked horrified when I finally came back. He said it was the scariest thing he's ever seen.

Apparently the weight of your uterus can push on your main blood vein blocking blood from getting back up to your heart.

Other than that excitement! Baby is growing well :)

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Posted at
OMG!! Didn't know that was possible. Glad you're both okay!!!
OMG!! Didn't know that was possible. Glad you're both okay!!!


April • Aug 28, 2017
I'm surprised your husband didn't faint lol 😦


Meagan • Aug 28, 2017
Me neither!!! So scary and random!


Posted at
I have 3 kids and never had that issue at any of my anatomy scans or even my many many late term scans (all 3 were high risk pregnancies). Are you sure it wasn't nerves/excitement?


Meagan • Aug 28, 2017


Posted at
I love your post - hope you're feeling better! Stay off your back! Best wishes for healthy rest of your pregnancy.


Meagan • Aug 28, 2017


Posted at
wow that's scary i havnt had that problem I'm 22 weeks but I suppose as I get further along it could happen


Posted at
Wow! I have no problems with laying on my back.. I'm 15 weeks currently. Interesting


Meagan • Aug 28, 2017
Yah! I didn't have any problems! Been sleeping on my back and stomach but today made that all change!! 19&4 today