Cat drama!!!

So I was watching my sisters cat for a few months and last month while it was raining she got out (used to be a stray) and refused to come back in.

We have new neighbours next door. Today I saw the woman neighbour and she told me today that during a rainstorm a cat ran in her front door last month and scared her 2year old son and freaked out her cat and dog....then the cat ran up their stairs and made herself at home on their bed 😱

She also told me that she fed the cat some food as she was unsure how long she'd gone without.

I was embarrassed and stunned! I apologized profusely.

Needless to say after we said bye and went our separate ways for the day I immediately went to Walmart and got her a $10 gift card and a toy/treat pack for her cat with a thank you card.

I later dropped off the present and she said "no problem!" So I hope she's ok with it all.

Do you think that was adequate enough? Our family doesn't have much so I couldn't afford much more :( I want to be a good neighbour.