Daycare naps


Anyone else have issues getting their LO to nap at daycare? Sometimes mine only takes one 1.5 nap. By 5 pm when I pick her up she's EXHAUSTED.

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My daughter does not sleep at daycare.  The longest we ever got was an hour.  Sometimes they log 7 minutes lol.  She's too busy playing to sleep.  She sometimes goes to bed at 5:30 and sleeps till 6 the next morning 


Lindsay • Aug 29, 2017
Mine slept for like 1 hour today! Was up from 10:30 am till 7 pm. Fml


Katie • Aug 28, 2017
It's so hard. Get home from work and go straight to bath then bedtime. Today she actually slept for 45 min better then nothing. She's so happy there too but gets home and is a turd lol


Lindsay • Aug 28, 2017
This is what we do as well! Bed as early as 5 some days.


Posted at
sorry your LO is having a hard time adjusting! I worked in the infant room at a daycare for 3 years and a 1.5 hour nap is practically unheard of 🙄 ALL of our babies (until about a year old) would only sleep 30 min at a time. it's an exciting place to be. to help adjust, try to stay noisy during naps at home and don't make it too dark bc that won't be possible at daycare. I hope it gets better! I know I've had many parents confide tgat they felt guilty and sad at not seeing much of their babes at home during the week bc they would want to be in bed so early.


Aly • Aug 30, 2017
that is your choice, daycare isn't for every child. however, my dd sleeps 30-40 minutes at a time in a quiet house so every child is different. it's normal for a nap to only last 30-45 minutes bc that is how their sleep cycles work. the issue with providing a separate area away from noise is supervision. at a licensed daycare (in my state, not sure about any other) the sleep area must be within eyesight which makes it difficult to get far enough away from the play area. the issue with a separate sleep room (assuming the facility has an extra room) is staffing. like I said in a previous comment, my classroom had 8 infants (from 6 weeks to roughly a year) and 2 teachers, a 1:4 ratio. if you had only one child need to take a nap, you would need an extra staff person for a separate sleeping room. not only is this generally not feasible from the daycares side of it, it also would drive up costs for parents. idk about where you are but around here prices are already sky high and as much as a monthly rent payment! anyway, as I said daycare is not for every child and it sounds as though you are rally unhappy with the center you're testing out. I would either look around for a center with higher standards or start looking into in home care. best of luck to you, either way. I know it's difficult having anyone else care for your baby.


Aly • Aug 30, 2017
oh my! that IS too long! do they attempt to put her down multiple times throughout the day or just assume she's not tired of she's not fussing? she may also need a different crib, one closer to the noise machine or in a darker corner. are they able to give blankets at your daycare? we weren't but we could put them to sleep with one (SO helpful) and then sneak it away once babe was sleeping. and have you tried a sleep sack?


Lindsay • Aug 30, 2017
I would be totally fine with a 30 minute nap! Not fine with being awake from 10:30 am till 7pm. 😩


Posted at
My son is starting daycare next week and I am so worried that he will not sleep there 😪 He is such a bad sleeper. Did you ladies sleep train your LO's or did anything to prepare for daycare? I'm so nervous!


Aly • Aug 30, 2017
two tips to help your lo adjust is to stay a NOISY during naps. daycare is rarely quiet, especially the baby room! and don't keep their room too dark bc that's not usually possible at daycare either. oh, one other consideration is that their teachers will have more than just your baby to take care of, they won't be able to rock them to sleep for half an hour. try to get them to sleep without rocking or a bottle, if possible. it's great that you're thinking ahead!


Lindsay • Aug 29, 2017
My daughter is 100% sleep trained at home