Is my MIL normal or am I just mean

Alexis • Mommy to 31 week preemie twins ❤️❤️

First off I want to say I have never disrespected my MIL as much as she has annoyed me I have always been nice! Over the years she seems to get more and more attached or I could even say nosey. She try's to call or text me every single day. If I don't answer she says something when she sees me or she will say something to my husband. I don't even talk to my own mom that much. She also already had a ton of opinions on our unborn babies. What products work I can do this and not that. My husband was born premature because she smokes cigarettes. He was also very colicky so she gave him cows milk at like 3months old. Which is crazy ! When I tell her I want to breastfeed she knocks me down like it's weird or unnatural. And whenever I say I hope I can have a vaginal delivery she gets all offensive because she had to have a c section. She is also really into our finances. Saying oh y'all won't be able to buy a house until you go back to work like it's any of her business, I'm 25 and my husband is 28 and we both have established careers. She gets jealous because my husband and I agreed for me to stay home the first year. Daycare is 200/week per baby so 400$/week. No thank you. She also was pissed because I didn't want her in the delivery room and my mom will be in there (ofcourse I am comfortable with my mom she is one of my biggest supports). After I told her my mom would be in the room she had the nerve to ask me right in front of my husband if he was going to be in the room like I didnt want him in there. Like really he's my husband the father of our children and she knows how we suffered from infertility for 4 years and these babies are our miracles. I also told her I don't want any visitors for the first two hours because we plan on doing chest to chest and I want to breastfeed (which she clearly isent a supporter off). Then she had the nerve to tell me she took a week off work to come to house to help out without even asking me and when I told her no thank you she was livid. Idk what to do