Is this normal? Can anyone relate?

Tiffany • 32/Happily Married/ 9.5 yrs TTC-miracle baby girl born 6/28/16!! Miracle baby #2 due Feb 2018!

I'm 16 weeks along with #2. Last pregnancy I had braxton hick contractions starting around 26 weeks and they seem to relate to the amount of activity I was doing. Over the last few days I've had mild contractions but very much consistent with my activity level. Yesterday I went out to lunge my horse and lasted only 10 minutes, ending up on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. Today they come on after grocery shopping while I putting groceries away. This pregnancy has definitely been different, although it seems to be going better by my doctor's reports, I am absolutely exhausted and any bit of energy goes as quickly as it comes. Definitely a overall different feeling this time around, which is understandable!

I'm curious if anyone has experienced such early contractions? I do plan on talking to my doctor but wanted some insight from other women.
