
Lily • My gorgeous little boy due 8th of March 2018💙

So I'm having me 3rd us on Thursday, I'll be 13 weeks! What's the chances of getting to know the gender then? And if the person doing it does give us an idea how accurate will it be?

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I found out at 13weeks , just depends on the position of the baby I guess


Lindsay • Aug 30, 2017
Wow that's weird that they confidently told you. Scientifically speaking the mass in between the legs still protrudes on all fetuses at 13 weeks.


Hannah • Aug 29, 2017
Yep :)


Lily • Aug 29, 2017
Was she correct with the gender?


Posted at
Unfortunately 0.... every baby has a thingy in between their legs. It either goes away or stays out. My 13 weeks it's still out and about on every baby. Even by 15 eeeks it's usually out. But sometimes they can kind of make a good guess then. 20 weeks for sure they can tell you. However you can get the. Mood test done. That's what I'm doing!


Posted at
I think the earliest for finding out gender with ultrasound-even for 3D-is 14 minimum. I think boys and girls are too hard to differentiate at 13 weeks. I know places that advertise at 14w + by me but that seems kinda early even. I went at 16w with my other two kids and will be going around 15.5-16.5 weeks with this one.


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I would say pretty low. I won't find out until 20 weeks :(