medical issues

So I went to the e.r. because the right side of my body has been tingling. Head to toe. I took an ibuprofen last night and it stopped the headache, but my body still tingled. My symptoms were sharp headaches that made me dizzy. A lump in my neck/throat. Not visible, but tender to the touch. My right side tingled and my hand was swollen. The guy basically told me my symptoms weren't "emergent". He told me I should see my primary. Then said he had 4 more ppl to check in. Am I wrong for being pissed. I may not know what was wrong, but it could have been anything. And I am still at the er. He made me feel stupid for coming. I hate how ppl just cancel you out because it doesn't look serious to them. My side has bothered me for days now. Please talk to me. This highly upset me.