Super sad, should I give up?


I had trouble latching him on, didn't do it properly until 3 weeks. I was honestly so sad, I almost wanted to give up and not breastfeed. But it was something I really wanted to do so I kept trying. Now for the last couple of days I feel like he's not getting enough milk. Even though he feeds 20 minutes. Today, i weighed him before a feeding & afterwards, he only gained .75 oz!!! Even though he was on me for 28 minutes.

I'm just getting really upset at myself & feeling like I'm letting him down.

I also haven't been counting his diapers, which I'm kicking myself in the butt for that. I started too again & hopefully this let me know if he's eating enough

Any advice? On anything? How to increase my supply? When to pump? Etc? I'm a first time mom & I want to keep breastfeeding but it feels like I'm not succeeding at all.