He's here!!!


Happy Birthday Thomas John! Born 8/28/17 at 1:15 pm; 7lbs 7 oz; 19 in long. I started labor on my own (was scheduled to be induced on 39+1) at exactly 39 wks. It was a very difficult delivery but after 2 hours of trying to push him out - he arrived with the help of Forsyth clamps, an epidural, & a whole team of nurses/doctors rooting me on. He had the cord wrapped near his neck & his face was up facing the ceiling so he was stuck by his nose on my pelvic bone. Craziness! Thankfully, even after all of that, he came out unharmed, healthy, & perfect! He's welcomed by 2 big sisters & 2 parents that adore him to no end. Our last 3 angels sent him here & kept him safe during his journey. 🌈👼🏼

Good luck to all the other mommas getting ready to deliver soon! 💫