I need a TWW partner😭😭

Katelyn • Katelyn✨|July 21🎉|Houston Tx☀|January 28,2017💑|

Here is all the information needed to qualify 😝:

LMP: 08/07/2017

AF DUE: 09/08/2017

O DAY: CD19 (08/25/2017)

**O pains on 08/23-24**

1DPO 08/26/2017: Breasts remained sore along with nipple sensitivity, still having EWCM.

2DPO 08/27/2017: Minor cramping. nothing too hard or period related. Breasts tenderness is going away.

3DPO 08/28/2017: Breasts tenderness basically away still kinda achey. woke up and had back pain through out the day. Minor and brief cramping on and off through out the day as well. Nipples kinda sore like a infant been sucking and nibbling on them. They kinda feel numb. I dont know how to describe it. Barely any CM but it was clear and whiteish. I also got a small amount of EWCM..

4DPO 08/29/2017: Not much CM. Nipples still sore like yesterday and the past week or so. Sex drive is somewhat high was HIGHLY emotional yesterday and kinda moody this morning.

5DPO 8/30/2017: Had sticky white CM cervix was a little low but for the most part tightly closed and soft, nipples still are sore & I been breaking out with pimples. And every now and then slight cramping.

6DPO 8/31/2017: Nipples are still sore CP is kinda low tucked towards the back and tightly closed also soft. Nothing too weird.

Will continue to update through out my journey. I hope this is it since I had all the symptoms of O.

*Ovulation symptoms I had were;*

·Cramping on both sides near my hips like I usually get when I O.✔

·EWCM (Yaaay! I dont really get this).✔

·Slight spotting in the EWCM I believe it was due to O.

Goodluck to all the families TTC & struggling with fertility issues. We got this!💕