Should I end my 4 year relationship?


So my boyfriend is a sweet guy. He tries so hard , but he always seems to mess things up . I've told him multiple times on how I feel and how he just doesn't give out relationship 100% effort . I'm always giving 100% and he gives 40% because "he's tired"... "he's with his friends"

For example... months now I've been telling him to do an oil change on my car and change out a bulb to my blinker to signal when I'm turning... says he'll do it... never has , but yet he did his friends GIRLFRIEND'S car oil change today !! ??

And here another thing... when he's out and about with his friends. He goes out and eats at restaurants, goes and hangs out with friends.... but when its a day with me? He would rather stay home AND FALL ASLEEP ON ME AAAAALLL DAY . it'll be 4 in the afternoon and he'll fall asleep... he'll sleep all day and I mean all day he won't wake up til the next day at 3 when he has to go home to go sleep some more before work... and I'm just left there watching him sleep and I'm just bored at home and I lack sleep because he hogs all my bed...

I've talked to him. I've "communicated" with him so many times that I sound like a broken record .

I honestly don't know what to do at this point . I'm tired of trying .