How I feel when the doctor says I haven't dilated even the slightest bit

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Or when you're having semi regular contractions that stop
Or when you're having semi regular contractions that stop


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I feel ya. 37 week check today and nothing
I feel ya. 37 week check today and nothing


Whitney • Aug 30, 2017
Same. Her head is down and lodged in my pelvis and my cervix is softened, but no dilation. I feel like she's just gonna fall out, but then no progress. $&@?!?%#!!!!!!!


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I know that I won't help by saying this but you can go from 0 to 10 in 3 hours and go from 4 to 10 in 3weeks(been there, done that!) x


Joana • Aug 30, 2017
fingers crossed 🤞


Whitney • Aug 30, 2017
Aw man! That sucks. Well maybe your baby will come earlier this time.


Joana • Aug 30, 2017
I'm going the same, my last one was 6days late and coincidentally the dating scan with this one was also 6days late so instead of going with my lmp(22nd Sep) I'm going with my dating scan(28th Sep) due date. I'm trying to avoid any disappointment 😂


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How about 39 weeks and my 1/2 centimeter dilation hasn't changed . Great! 😭


Whitney • Aug 31, 2017
Ugh! If it helps, I was 40 wks before they induced me too. I had been in labor for several days but they wouldn't do anything until 40 wks. I'm smaller framed too and it was miserable towards the end. The extra weight made it really miserable. Thankfully, we don't stay pregnant forever. 😊


Gina • Aug 30, 2017
At least they induced you. : (. I can't get swept until 40 weeks. 😓I'm a little woman and this weight on my body is killing me . Everything hurts constantly . I ended my work last Saturday because I can't do any more physical work of massaging. I'm bored as hell as home but all I can do is rest . Maybe they will feel bad for me too!


Whitney • Aug 30, 2017
That sucks! I had the same thing happen with my son. I was having consistent contractions for several days and I went and got checked and I hadn't dilated anything. I broke down in the room. They felt bad and induced me that night. 😂


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last week I wasn't even a one. now I'm a 1 and thinning but no end in sight. I'm 38 weeks and 1 day


Whitney • Aug 30, 2017
I'm sorry. Good thing that there's some progress in a week though.