Not sure what to title this, just gotta post

So I started a new job in March, as a House Manager and when I called my boss's handyman for the first time I realized it was someone I went to school with.. who I had a crush on way back when. And as an adult he is sexy, hardworking, professional, and still super sweet..

But the last time I had seen him (a few years ago) he had told me he was married. So I have kept my crush in check and been professional with him..

But last week my boss was telling me she thinks I should ask him out and I told her that I thought he was married and she told me he was divorced..

So when he texted me to join him and his best friend out at a bar and grill to watch the big McGregor/Mayweather fight.. I went..

We all had fun, another guy we went to school with was there also and we talked about the good times and bad times.. we caught up on school and college experiences. When that bar was closing we all went to another.. then I asked his friend to drop me at my car so I could go home, and "Handyman" asked if I'd drop him off too..

We ended up talking in the car for almost four hours..

I asked him about his wife and he told me that they got divorced because she was military and they fell apart but that he carried a lot of guilt because a month after they divorced she committed suicide...

This was two hours into our conversation, and I told him the guilt I had for my fiancé dying alone at work on a Saturday..

We talked about our love of books, the assholes we've both dated since our loses, work, and family... then I dropped him off at his truck and I went home, he went fishing. Lol.

But he was supposed to be at my boss's house for work on Monday, he texted me a half hour after he was supposed to be there and said he'd be late.. four hours later I called to see if he was ok because he never showed up... said he wasn't coming that day but he'd be there Tuesday first thing in the morning... I left my bosses at noon today (Tuesday) and he wasn't there yet...

Y'all think he's avoiding me at the expense of his job?

Or if he could be busy? I'm not really sure what is going on...