I will never have kids😔

Tilly • 27years old. Have been trying to convince natural and on my own for over 5 years. Got pregnant once and miscarried 3 weeks later . I pray for the day i become a mom.

Ive had this account for many months. I track my periods, my fertility, i post when I get a negative pregnancy test and how sad it makes me.

Unfortunately for myself, I found out that I have mass that grow in the cyst in my ovaries. It was discovered at such a way that surgically removing my ovaries is the only answer.

Im devastated to know I will never birth kids. Im beyond heart broken because I swore to myself that it would one day happen when the timing is right. So many emotions have emerged from the medical news I received. My life is literally changing now.

Im now am emotionally distraught and i need emergency surgery within the next 30-45 days. I have to set my feelings on the back burner and fundraise money to help pay medical bills that aren't full covered with my insurance. Fundraising and heartbroken, ...what a hard time im having right!

I will most likely delete my account because theres no use in having it.

Good luck and blessings to all the women trying to conceive. May God Bless you. 🙏🏾