I have no idea how to tell my mom I'm pregnant

So long story short Im nearly divorced from a previous relationship. We've been separated for almost two years now, it has taken a long time to finalize the divorce due to shady lawyers etc.

I got with my now boyfriend a year and a half ago and we are currently 9 weeks pregnant. We've announced this to his family but not mine. It's hard for me because they didn't want me to divorce even though I wasn't happy in that relationship.

It took my family a long ass time to warm up to my boyfriend and now it makes me nervous to announce just because I don't feel like they'll actually be happy for me. They can be petty unfortunately. I'm not scared but I just hate the thought of them not really being happy for me during a happy time. This is my first baby.

How do should I even tell her? I don't know if I should try to make it a special grandma moment for her like all the YouTube videos lol.

Btw this will be her 10th grand baby so it's not even like a big deal to be a grandma anymore.

I'm just kinda sad about the whole thing to be honest.

FYI I'm 23 lol

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