Should I be paranoid/pissed?? Please advice needed. Stressing.

So I'm 21 wks ftm. For the past year and a half I've only had sex with my baby's father. EXCLUSIVELY. He would see other girls but I wouldn't ever sleep with anyone else. Recently he's been in the hospital for mental rehabilitation. During his stay his doctor mentioned how his mother thinks he should get a paternity test. That pissed me off because I'm the one the was faithful and only saw him exclusively for the past year. I haven't been with anyone else since him. I know 100000000% he got me pregnant. However he is paranoid and doesn't trust my word because it's very possible that I could have slept with someone else (so he says) he tells me he loves the baby but he just wants insurance. I agreed to do it but should I be pissed?

Also I'm really paranoid that something will go wrong with the test. I'm worried there could be a false negative. Idk what he would do if it came back like that and I would just look crazy even though I know he's the father. Is it likely the test can go wrong? Should I even stress about that?

Please advice needed. I'm so stressed about it and I'm not even due anytime soon.

**edit: before anyone says you shouldn't be stressed if you know it's his, I'm stressed something will go wrong with the test. I'm asking if I should even be worried about that and if that even happens often.