Virtual Job, Remote job, Work at home


So I had to quit my job at a day care because it was causing me severe back pains with bending down, sitting, picking up the kids. & I was always getting sick, plus the stress. It was very stressful to the point one day my body shut down and I couldn't get out of bed.

But being the job I had. my bosses said "think of the children" and "we can't find anyone to cover you." so I was basically SOL.

Now I worked there because we moved (military) to a different state and it was a quick job for me. but I have so much customer relations experience and data and marketing in my background.

because the doctors basically said it's only going to get worse from here, I decided to look for a remote, stay at home job. any of you ladies work/worked at home? and any recommendations of where to start looking(companies) /applying?