It was two days before my due date and my last day at work before I took maternity leave

Stacy • Mommy to my beautiful Everly Ann.
It was two days before my due date and my last day at work before I took maternity leave. I was one appointment away from being forced to induce by my doctor. I was sitting at work, told to go ahead and go home early when my water broke right in u office chair. I went to triage but I was skeptical of myself because I had already been three days prior for contractions. They told me I had actually ruptured though and I got moved to my low-intervention room. I had planned no epidural and no labor inducing medications. HAHA SHE HAD OTHER PLANS. I was contracting just 1-2 minutes apart but only 1.5 dilated so they gave me cytotec to help me progress. This dropped baby's heart rate to nearly 80 and they almost rushed for an emergency c-section. We got her stable again but she did it s few other times through out the night and my contractions only got more unbearable. I finally opted for epidural 12 hours in. They wanted to give pitocin and I knew I couldn't handle the contractions getting even worse. When it came time for the needle, my contractions we literally 30-60 seconds apart which is terrifying for a procedure you're supposed to be perfectly still for! I finally got some rest and woke up at 6 am to 9 cm dilated! I went back to sleep until about 8 am and I was ready to push! I pushed for about 5 good contractions and then I was holding her! She wouldn't cry though! Apparently she had swallowed some bowel fluid and was unable to breathe through the fluid. They took my baby to help clean her out and I didn't get her back for 20 minutes or more. Finally when I did get to hold her, I needed to use the restroom. Thankfully two nurses walked me because of the epidural numbness, because I passed out in their arms on the toilet. Both of us were freaking the doctors out! Now she is in my arms cuddly, and sweet! She is spoiled already and loves to be held, but after these last couple days we both deserve some babying.